
UPDATED ON September 10, 2020

Monsoon Hairfall: Foods You MUST Include In Your Diet to Prevent Hair Fall during the Rainy Season

Monsoons are wonderful, aren’t they? The dripping raindrops, the early morning mist, cloudy skies, and lightning that can illuminate the whole world for a second are soothing and exciting at…

UPDATED ON August 26, 2020

Why is Warmup Important Before a Workout

How many times have you been to the gym thinking you’ll finish a couple of exercises, but the trainer gets you to do a warmup for 5 minutes alone? Quite…

UPDATED ON August 25, 2020

Here’s How You Can Stay Fit While Working from Home

Even before the COVID-19 lockdown happened all across the globe, working from home was getting to be a norm in the industry. But is it the preferred choice for all…

UPDATED ON June 19, 2020

On a Diet and failed to reduce weight? Could any of this be the reason?

We have all been in that situation where we plan on losing weight for a good number of days, and then there’s finally a day when we actually execute it.…


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